His seeking hands wriggle their way out of the swaddle wrap and rest on his delicate cheeks during sleep. Awake, his tiny fingers and toes instinctively find their way to his mouth, curiously exploring the world around him. Born premature, his skin remains underdeveloped and fragile, prone to irritation. Repeated exposure to certain chemicals in topical products causes his skin to erupt in angry patches, becoming painful reminders of its vulnerability. These same chemicals permeate his body, penetrating his skin through absorption and entering as he inadvertently ingests them from his hands and feet.
Observing my firstborn navigate the world with his sensitive skin heightened my awareness as a parent. While this chapter of his story brims with joy, it's punctuated by dollops of stress and worry. During these early moments, I recognized the significance of what I applied to his skin, realizing it was just as crucial as selecting the foods I fed him. I knew then that how I cared for his skin and microbiome up to that point needed adjustment. My son’s wellbeing became my guiding compass.
I carefully read product ingredient labels, searching for gentle, effective skincare products made solely with organic ingredients safe enough to ingest, that would help support, protect, and nourish sensitive infant skin. Faced with a lack of suitable options, I delved into the study and art of handcrafting these products from scratch. What resulted worked so remarkably well for my first baby, my second baby benefitted too.
Cocoa LaBear was born from my desire to cultivate a haven of trust and inspiration for you, a place where skincare and vitality come together. I am passionate about nourishing sensitive skin with ingredients that are vegan, organic, and food grade. May your use of Cocoa LaBear's special skin-loving creations spark delight and ignite joy. Above all, may you cherish nurturing your wellbeing and that of those you love.
xo, Meg Mountainbear LaRance